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Start Your Trip With
A Small Step
Unified Travel Platform
For Corporate Travel

Travel & Destinations self-booking tool helps the corporate travellers to have real time access to travel products using a simple and intuitive environment. It offers our customers to implement cost-efficient business travel management,with transparency, consistency, and choice at the point of booking

Minimize cost leakage and improve your bottom-line
Reduce direct costs by ensuring compliance with corporate travel policies. Decrease indirect costs by reducing the administrative tasks related to the handling of expenses and minimize the risks associated with uncontrolled spending and fraud.
Benefit from a user-friendly interface
The user interface is designed with business travelers in mind and is like the shopping experience on the consumer website, giving wide range of price options and services along with, customer-specific expense policies which can be implemented by our expert teams.
Access intelligible expense statements
When you choose T&D, you get a long-term partner to help you shape the future success of your business. We give insight and clear direction in matters related to Travel Management– backed up with Multiple and configurable expense statements.